The Seed

Do you know that God plants a seed in your heart? He plants it there for good reasons He gives us the free will on what to do with that seed

Do you use that seed to grow in a positive way? Or do you opt to let that seed nurtured in negative way? When you water and put fertilizer, it will get the proper nourishment

Therefore, it will grow and bear good fruits. So, if we feed our minds with good teachings of God and put them into right actions Then our words and deeds be that of God. When you bless others, you are already sharing those good seeds to the world.

Your words and deeds have a great impact on people that surrounds you. So, bear the good seeds of kindness and have a good heart. Start with little things around you. Next time you know you have spread those good seeds.

Gaming at Your Forties, too Old?

Whenever someone mentions a gamer what is the first thing that crosses your mind? A young person who plays games all the time? Maybe on the computer, maybe on the console? But is gaming only for anyone who is in his twenties or younger? How about those same people who grew up playing games, are they supposed to quit once they reach a magic age? Can you be too old to game?

The answer is that it depends on the person, there is no age for gaming the same way that there is no age for watching movies. Games are form that entertainment. Both young and older people can like games and play them. The change can be more on what types of games older people like. Going back to movies, do we still like the same movies that we liked as children or have our likes and dislikes expanded? It is the same with games.

This is why as the kids who used to play games got older the industry took notice and started to make games that would be appealing to them. As the gamers became older the industry grew up with them. Many of these gamers in turn had children of their own and started playing together with them, becoming a family activity.

It is true that as we get older our reflexes change, and for example on a FPS game the older gamer might not be as fast as a younger one, but this does not mean that the games is less fun. Not only that but the older gamer has also experience that he can use to try to compensate for the reflexes of the younger one. Both young and old can have fun together and learn from each other.

In conclusion there is no age for gaming, it doesn’t matter if you are in your forties, thirties or maybe fifties. The important thing is that you have fun playing games. The time that you spend with games might be less as you become older and busy with other activities, but time is the key factor, not age. Continue playing games and never feel like you are too old to do it. Have fun, enjoy yourself.

Being Positive by Choice

Is being positive something you need to think about? Does it come naturally to you? Is it hard to do? The level of difficulty depends on the situation you find yourself in and on the state your mind is in.

It is easier to be positive when everything is going your way. Did you get a promotion or raise at work? Your kid is happy? Did you get a dog or ate your favorite food? In these situations most of the time you don’t need to try hard to be positive. It almost comes naturally, as if the world is your plaything and you are on top of everything.

But, what about when things are not going well? What can you do at those times? Is it worth it to somehow be positive in those moments? Yes, it is both worth it and important. By being positive you can find a way to move forward, a way to start looking for a solution, if one can be found, a way to lower your stress and be healthier. Remember that stress, sadness and negativity can affect your health.

How can you go back to being positive? Try to look for the good points of the situation. Look for how these can help you learn and grow. Don’t let yourself become stuck, find a way to move forward. Talking to friends a family can also help you to overcome it. You might even find that doing a hobby helps you with this.

It is important to remember that there are some situations where you might need some professional help. Thar is ok, the important thing is for you to be able to go back to be happy and positive.

Always remember that you are not alone, even if it seems like the whole world is against you. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. The situation you found yourself in might not be by choice, the negative feelings that come to you might not be by choice, but it is your choice to move forward and if needed to find help to move forward. It is your choice to be positive once again.

Never give up and always move forward wirh a smile on your face.

Goodness of God

For God is good

He wants us to do good things as well to others

God is kind so He wants us to be kind to one another      

God is courage so He wants us to have prowess to conquer the storms in life.

God builds up good character therefore we should do the same

Saying good about people makes one build good character

God is faithful we too should be faithful to Him, to our spouse, and children

God is perfect so God wants us to follow His ways

Although we go astray, but He will not leave us as long as we keep on believing in Him.

God is the sources of all graces so receive His blessings and share to others

God is merciful therefore be merciful to others

God is forgiving of our faults, failure and inequities. So, He wants us to forgive so many times to others so we can live peacefully.

Never hold grudges to anybody.

God is gracious so He flows graces into us. So, we have to share and bless others too.

God gives gifts, He gives us the gift of life. So, we too allow the conceived wombs to thrive and live. We choose life. Have you not realized how short time is? We do not want to waste it. We cannot retrieve it back once it is gone.

Be happy everyday

Be thankful everyday whether it is difficult or not

God is joy so enjoy every moment you have

Spend time with your children, family friends and relatives.

You do not want to grow old and rude

You do not want to grow old and have many regrets

God is love therefore keep on loving even to the enemy

Put a big heart to love, love, love and love more

Take out hatred and replaced it with love

Keep loving every day….

God smiles to us and shines His face to us

Therefore, put on the smile

Think of something good daily

We are easy to criticize others. We forget that we have a lot of flaws too.

No one is perfect except God

Therefore, stay connected to God. Without ceasing keep praying.

 Keep learning His teachings.

Put them in our hearts and mind.

And live with them.

Copyright 2022 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique

The Unfailing Grace

Lord in you we put our trust

In our worries and anxieties, our mind will rest upon you.

When we see the huge burden that we carry, and fear overwhelms us In you we find comfort.

You lighten it and we know you carry it with us, so it becomes smaller for us.

Lord send down your assistance, when confusions overshadow

Let the Holy Spirit guide us and show the way

Let no animosity comes in a way, but your peace and joy fill our heart.

Let your wisdom be upon us, so we can walk in life your way

Though your way is narrow and long

There is at the end of this road, hope that you prepared for us.

Along the way is so much unknown, grant us patience

Let no desperation murky the minds we have

Let us stay steadfast and faithful

For you promise to stick with us no matter what

You are the only one who could fulfill and never fail to keep the promises.

Copyright 2022 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique

Natures Brings

The beauty of the morning
The sun begins to shine to the awesome earth
The birds singing of its beautiful lullaby
Have you ever experienced the wonderful voices?

Does it sound like the angels singing in the morning?
Have you appreciated the serenity of the morning?
Nature brings peace and joy

Copyright 2021 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique 

Tuesday and Coffee

How to start your Tuesday morning? With a smile and a cup of coffee! Be kind to everyone and smile to them. A smile warms the heart and costs nothing! Coffee makes the world go round!

Friend My Light You Are

Alone on a dark path I was
Moving and walking but not alive
All of a sudden a shadow was
A smile on your face you had

My friend, there you are
A smile on your face as you said that
Confused to you I turned
Have we met before, I asked

From this moment on we have
A friend you have found, alone no more you are
A smile on your face as you said that
A light in my heart was found

Time went by and laugher came with us
No more alone I was, a friend I had
Together a light with us was
No more darkness in the path there was

Copyright 2021 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique 


Words are something that we all use, but many times something that we don’t realize how powerful they are. Our words can create or destroy, make someone smile or cry, be positive or negative. Remember that once something has been said it can never be unsaid. We can apologize all we want, but the words have already been said, they might have created a wound that will heal, but the scar will remain.

Does this mean that we should not use our words? That it’s better to never talk? That is not the case. What we need to do is to use our words with good intentions, be positive in what we day. If we find ourselves on the brink of destroying someone, hurting someone, then take a step back and calm yourself. Find a better way to say it, a way to not destroy bit express yourself.

Is this easy? No, it takes practice and dedication. Find what works for you to improve on this. Di you review afterwards what you said and think how you could have said it better? Do you ask someone for their opinion? Do you write it down and analyze it? You are the one who knows what works better. The important thing is to find a way to improve and better yourself.

Remember that it might not be easy, but it will be worth it. Positive words not only help those around you, but they will also help you to feel happier and better about yourself. Never give up and always move forward.

Copyright 2021 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique