Be Positive

These is the season when you see people excited, celebrating with friends and family. The season of warm and smiles. But, we have to remember that many times this is not the type of feelings that come during this season. Sometimes what comes are feelings of depression, reminders of being alone, of better times.

Especially right now this is true, with road blocks to family and friends getting together to celebrate, to share and have fellowship. Does this mean that we should not have joy, that we should not be happy? No, these are the moments that we have to continue to move forward, to find the positive in any moment that comes.

Remember that happiness starts from within, and being positive is a very important step in order to achieve it. If you have negative thoughts, then your mood will go down and sadness will approach you. Being positive is very important in order for us to be happy.

Having this mindset is not an easy task, there are a lot of external factors that affect us, that can change our mood and our thoughts. Remember to always try to find the positive in anything that comes your way. Find a way to make it work for you, not against you. The more that you do this, the more it will become a habit for you. Make being positive a habit, make being happy your mood.

Once you accomplish that the work is not over. Maybe you know a friend or a family member who is struggling with feelings. Help them, share your happiness, but remember to be gentle. You don’t want to be a bulldozer that tries to fix their feelings according to your will. You are there to help them, but it will always be their choice on accept your help and how to proceed. Be gentle and supportive. Be an example that radiates true happiness.

Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique

Beautiful day

The birds start chirping 
 The flowers become awake 
 A new day is born anew 
 My good friend , you are here

 I greet you with a smile
 My heart fills with joy
 It is a time to celebrate 
 It is a time to have joy

 Move forward you tell me
 Never give up you say
 Once again alive I become 
 Beautiful day you are once again

 Copyright 2020 Ricardo and 
 My Unique

Fear Not

Fear haunts us
Fear prevents us from doing what we supposed to do
We underestimate ourselves because of fear
We become timid because of it

Fear is like an illusion in our minds
It makes us mortified or frighten
It makes us inhibit to do things
We do not even know the consequences until we try
But why fear?

Asking or reflecting ourselves should we yield to it?
Or is there something we can do about it?
How can we conquer the fear within?

Prayers are so powerful
Prayers give us the strength and build faith
So, do it afraid and do it any way
Have faith instead of fear

Overcome fear with faith
Keep on going despite of fear
Accomplish things with faith in God

Jesus showed His ways
He kept going in His journey to calvary
He showed no cowardice
Therefore, we can do what we need to achieve
Have the determination and faith
Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo
My Unique


Love is a strong word
It is even a powerful action
Love is a big work to do
Why love?

We cannot exist without it
How many people feel so empty inside?

We even must let them know that they are loved
Love is not for sale
No one can buy it
Even the richest person on earth cannot even buy it

We must love
We need love
We give our love
We love ourselves
We love our neighbors
We love God who is all the source of love

God’s son Jesus shows His great love
By dying on the cross
Therefore, keep in mind that you and I are loved

If sometimes people can be rude to each other
Know that there are people like family who cares and love you

Keep on living and keep on loving and be loved
You are a wonderfully created on God’s image and likeness
So, keep the head up high and be happy
For you are loved

Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo 
My Unique


What is happiness? It is different from everyone, but it’s also necessary. How do we find it? With material things, spiritual things, friends, family?

True happiness comes from having Inner peace. But the big question that we all have is how can we achieve this?

The very first step is to love yourself. If you don’t love yourself there is no way that you can achieve this. You can start by thinking about your own life, By looking for the positive even in your darkest times.

Positive thinking is very important. This will help you to reduce your stress call mark to be able to move forward when life becomes hard. By being positive you don’t give up in life or in things that you’re doing, instead you find what you can learn from it, how to succeed.

You are responsible for your own thinking, but this does not mean that you have to do this alone. Sometimes a good ear is all that we need to be able to move forward.
Remember to never give up, to always move forward, Always being positive, always with a smile on your face.

Once you accomplish this you can start to love yourself, to find that inner peace that came bring you happiness. In turn once you have your inner peace and you are really happy you can become a source of happiness for those around you.

Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique


Everyday we need to get reminded
In this journey of our lives
That life is short
What can we do in our time on earth?
Should we be carrying an anger within?
We can choose to be forgiving
Or should we just have to chill out and enjoy the ride
You are given the gift- called life
Are we giving thanks to our creator that we have another day to live?
Our attitude inside and outside
Is exhibited outwardly as we interact with others
Having good feelings within or oneself
Or less judgmental of ourselves
Or not judging at all
If we first kind to ourselves
Most likely, we are kind to others
It begins within
Never underestimate the power of our thoughts
Our thoughts can come out as words or actions
Feeding our minds of words of wisdom, help us enjoy life
Finding happiness in all we do
Encouraging and inspiring others
Our journey will be less disdaining
But worth taking and triumphant.

Always Moving Forward

During these hard times sometimes it becomes hard knowing what to do. We feel overwhelmed with all the information coming at us, coming from the left or coming from the right.

Do we find a corner to hide and cry? No, this is the time to gather our courage, to move forward and not to give up. We must find the inner strength and push forward, overcome any negative thoughts that gather around us. Thinking positive is as important as being positive. You cannot have one if you do not have the other one.

It is ok to remember that we do not have to do everything alone. If we need help, we have reach for our friends and family, the people who are important to us and who can give us the push that we need to be able to move forward.

Always remember that whenever there is a storm there would always come peace afterwards. Always look for the light at the end of the tunnel, always strive to move forward, never stop and look back, never let the past control your future.

Be sure to find the positive even in adversity. It is not easy to do, but by acquiring this skill we will be able to navigate through anything. We will be able to always move forwards.

Never stop moving, always keep moving forward and eventually you will reach your destination. Enjoy your life and become someone who can give happiness to others with your presence


Yearning for you all the time
Looking for you all the time
Hope you bring to my life

When I see you a smile appears
A light to me you are
My wonderful friend, here you come

Shining into the darkness
Giving hope when you come
A sign of great things to come

Welcome my good friend
Bringing of hope and light
My wonderful friend, here you are

Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo
My Unique


On the first Friday of October 2020. I went to church and this day was designated as the memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels.
The church was a Catholic Community and School. I was glad to arrive early. The students had their Friday mass. Being on 50 % capacity limitation of seating, it was more exclusive for the students and staffs. When I checked inside the church all the seats were occupied with social distancing observed. I stepped out and stayed in the narthex. There were benches that I could sit on. I sat on one of the benches located by the big post and behind it was another bench. Before the mass began, there was a lady sitting on the bench behind me. She was leaning and stooping. She had her mask hanging on one ear as if she was trying to get more air. When I saw her, I asked her if she was okay? She replied that she was alright. There were colleagues that came to check on her.
On the other hand, while the mass was ongoing, I heard the front door tried to be opened by 2 gentlemen. So, I asked the one of the staffs which were helping the lady if I should open the door for the 2 men wanted to get in the church. But they advised no due to capacity was met already.
The lady was taken to the school office and one of the staffs asked me that when she came back to open the front door for her as she just needed to go to the school office.
While the mass was in progress the priest had homily about the “Holy Angles”. He admonished that we never be alone. Angles were all around us. Then I saw a teacher and a student that went to the narthex area. I thought that the student was accompanied by teacher to go to the restroom. But then I realized that she was sitting on a bench. On the second time, the staff asked me to open the front door for her as she needed to get a cold pack for the student.
At this point, it was already communion time. I checked on the student if she was okay, but she stated that she was not feeling good. She was young and about 7 or 8 grade. She was so pale. I was thinking of taking communion first, but I changed my mind instead, I went back to her and took another bench put together to another bench. I let the student lie down on the bench so that blood flow will flow into her head. Advised her to take some deep breaths. Her legs were massaged especially the calves muscle. After a while she looked better. She had better color in her face. The staff came back and helped her wheeled to the school. Student’s mom was notified and was on her way to get her.
Then, I pondered about the homily of the priest that angles were everywhere. You can be the angel to others. God sends angel to be on our side at any time.

Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique


Always looking forward to you
Smiling every time I see you
Welcome in my life you are
Filling me with happiness you are

Every day is important
Every day is unique
But a special place you have
In my heart you appear

Happy Friday I hear
Happy Friday I say
Today finally has come
Friday, welcome you are

Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo 
My Unique