Welcome to Our Corner!

Welcome to our corner, filled with stories from our family that we want to share with you all. We have short stories, poems and even the thought of the day. It is our hope that as we write we will continue to grow and improve.

Why do we want to do a blog? This is a question that we have heard from anyone who we have shared our idea, and to be honest we even asked each other that question.

The answer is not very complicated, we just love to write. One day after dinner we started to talk seriously about this. We had entertained the idea of writing a book as a collection of short stories and poems from our family, but we never put it into practice. But then the idea of a blog came.

We decided that this is something that we could do. We could share what we love and get more experience, which lead us to our first blog.

We hope that you enjoy our stories and come back for more. Thank you for joining us in this wonderful new experience.

We hope that you enjoy them all. Feel free to leave some feedback and suggestion. Enjoy this ride with our family.