
I look into the sky and you are there
 Free like wind, majestic like the sun
 Nothing stops you, free you are

 Close and far at the same time you are
 I can see you, but reach you I cannot 
 Won’t you come and see me once?

 To be free like you, how would that be?
 The clouds and the wind gracing you
 The sun whispering to you words of love 

 Bird who is as free as the wind
 Loved by the clouds, loved by the sun
 Another day I will see you again
Copyright 2021 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique

Coffee and Wednesday

Coffee, the awesome drink that makes Wednesday go faster!

Always look for the smile in any situation and joy will follow you!

Today’s Words of Wisdom

When your heart and mind are happy consequently your face will smile and show joyous spirit.

The words that come from your mouth are of good in nature.


 Find more favors in the Lord
 Seek Him all the time
 In time of hopelessness
 When time is rough and bumpy roads
 Know He makes the path worth passing through
 No one, He says NO so as you make your request known to Him
 Fear not
 Faith you keep in your heart
 Wear on your courage
 Be like a soldier
 Fighting for your faith
 God is time

 He changes things His ways
 Only if we put our trust in Him
 He makes things good for our lives
 Have patience for these difficulties will pass
 Rest in Him
 He will carry the burdens for you
 Only you carry it with Him
 So, enjoy your life my friend
 While God give you time on earth
 Keep living and just do what is right
 Things will get better as long you keep hoping
 Be faithful…
 Copyright 2021 Ricardo and JoJo
 My Unique 


 Out of nowhere you come
 A strong smile you have 
 Monday you are not 
 A wonderful day you are 

 A strong step you have
 Moving forward you always are
 Towards Friday you ran
 With all your might, all your heart

 Always a big smile you bring me
 Joy, happiness in my heart appear 
 For a fleeting moment you join me
 Hope for the promised weekend you bring

 Copyright 2021 Ricardo and JoJo 
My Unique

Encouraging Words

if you are feeling sad look at the blessings that you have been given. Find a reason to always keep moving. Never give up and you will persevere.

The End and the Beginning

Today is the day when the current year finishes, and it is also the moment when a new year starts. This particular year has been an incredibly challenging one, full of surprises one moment after another, full of tears and fears, but also full of hope and light.

During this moment we remember those that we have lost, those that are still with us. We can remember our accomplishments, our challenges, and our life. We can remember how we made it to this moment in time.

As we remember those moments, we should look for the positive that came from all that has happened this year. It is definitely not easy, but positive we must find. We should remember how instead of giving up we moved forward, how we made to this moment, to the start of this new year.

How about this coming year? How do we approach it? Does it mean that all the challenges have disappear? What will or future be? We might not know, but we should not despair. Always have hope, never give up to despair.

Challenges will always be there, but our will to overcome them will also be there. Approach what is coming with a positive attitude, with a smile on your face. Your attitude makes a big difference in your life and in the life of those around you. Be a beacon of light and hope to those that surround you, be someone who shines with a light that overcomes the shadows.

Be Positive

These is the season when you see people excited, celebrating with friends and family. The season of warm and smiles. But, we have to remember that many times this is not the type of feelings that come during this season. Sometimes what comes are feelings of depression, reminders of being alone, of better times.

Especially right now this is true, with road blocks to family and friends getting together to celebrate, to share and have fellowship. Does this mean that we should not have joy, that we should not be happy? No, these are the moments that we have to continue to move forward, to find the positive in any moment that comes.

Remember that happiness starts from within, and being positive is a very important step in order to achieve it. If you have negative thoughts, then your mood will go down and sadness will approach you. Being positive is very important in order for us to be happy.

Having this mindset is not an easy task, there are a lot of external factors that affect us, that can change our mood and our thoughts. Remember to always try to find the positive in anything that comes your way. Find a way to make it work for you, not against you. The more that you do this, the more it will become a habit for you. Make being positive a habit, make being happy your mood.

Once you accomplish that the work is not over. Maybe you know a friend or a family member who is struggling with feelings. Help them, share your happiness, but remember to be gentle. You don’t want to be a bulldozer that tries to fix their feelings according to your will. You are there to help them, but it will always be their choice on accept your help and how to proceed. Be gentle and supportive. Be an example that radiates true happiness.

Copyright 2020 Ricardo and JoJo My Unique