What is happiness? How do we find it? These are questions that eventually during our life will make it to our heads. How do we answer them? Are we going to be positive or pessimistic? Are we going to be excited thinking about it, or are we going to frown at that moment?
How can we be happy? Every person will give you a different answer. Some will say that they are happy with the family, some that going to a concert brings it to them, and some will tell you their favorite food is enough to make them happy.
Does this mean that there is a right and wrong answer? Not really, happiness depends on the individual person, but there is one variable that will always be present, and that is as positive thinking at that moment and for that action. If you do not have positive thinking, then you cannot be genuinely happy.
Our minds are incredibly powerful, they can control how we react and how we feel. Therefore, it is imperative to be positive and not negative. Negative thinking will always bring negative results. What is in your mind will always surface, be it positive or negative.
Always strive to find the good in anything that you do or that happens to you. By finding the good you will be able to control your negative feelings and you will be one step closer to be genuinely happy. Do not react to what happens to you, learn to control your feelings, and find the best possible way to move trough that moment in your life.
You are not alone; you are not an island in the middle of the sea. Find a connection with your family and with your friends; these are other keys to find that internal happiness that we all desire.
You are responsible for your own happiness, you either will let the environment control you or you will learn to navigate through it without being controlled by it. Find the positive in everything that you do, become happy one step a time, and once you do, share it with the ones that surround you. Create a positive circle, not a negative one. Be a happy and always move forward.