
Everyday we need to get reminded
In this journey of our lives
That life is short
What can we do in our time on earth?
Should we be carrying an anger within?
We can choose to be forgiving
Or should we just have to chill out and enjoy the ride
You are given the gift- called life
Are we giving thanks to our creator that we have another day to live?
Our attitude inside and outside
Is exhibited outwardly as we interact with others
Having good feelings within or oneself
Or less judgmental of ourselves
Or not judging at all
If we first kind to ourselves
Most likely, we are kind to others
It begins within
Never underestimate the power of our thoughts
Our thoughts can come out as words or actions
Feeding our minds of words of wisdom, help us enjoy life
Finding happiness in all we do
Encouraging and inspiring others
Our journey will be less disdaining
But worth taking and triumphant.